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Google search is a powerful search engine to find pretty much anything you are looking for on the internet. In this write-up, you will learn 8 plus 1 bonus cool tips on using Google Search. Let’s get started already!

Google Search Tips

  1. Combined Searches

    Combined searches helps you to search for 2 or more things at the same time. Using this trick saves you a lot of time since you may not have to search individually for the multiple things you are looking for on google. To perform a combined search, just use “OR” in between your search terms. For example “Shoes or Belt” will perform a combined search on Shoes and Belt.

  2. Exact Match Search

    Use this technique to get results which contain the exact phrase you are looking for. For exact match searches, wrap your search phrase in a quotation mark. An example is “free trips”.

  3. Wild Cards

    Sometimes you may not know the full phrase you are searching for and may want to make a quick guess to see if you will get some results and this is where Wild Cards (*) come in. For example, lets say you are looking for “Game of Thrones” but you have forgotten the “Thrones” word in your search phrase, you may write it like “Game of *” in the search bar and google search will make a wild guess on your behalf to get you some good results.

  4. Word Exclusion

    You use this trick when you want to search for something but also want to exclude all results containing a particular word. You do this by adding a dash (-) or minus in front of that word you want to omit. In order to test this we will search for the phrase “food for thought” but will tell google search to return only results not containing the word “food”. I doubt if we will get anything but let’s see.

  5. Synonyms

    Use this trick if you wish to include results which contains synonyms of some selected words in your search term. You can achieve this by adding a tilde (~) in front of your selected words.

  6. Number Range Search

    This trick helps you to search for particular items between a range of numbers. Example use “Car $1000..$5000” to return search results containing Cars between the prices of $1,000 to $5000.

  7. In Url, title or body

    This trick will let google search return only websites containing your search term either in their url, title text or body text. For example “intitle:Hello” will return pages with the word “Hello” in their title, “inurl:tech” will also return site URLs containing the word “tech”.Searching by title text, body text or url text

  8. Site Search

    You can search through any particular website using this trick. Entering “”site:cnn.com google”” for instance will search for the occurrence of the word google on the cnn.com website.

  9. Bonus Tip: Timer

    You may be having a trivia session with some friends or any other thing which will need to be timed and you can easily start a timer from Google Search by entering timer [your number of minutes]. Click here to read about other interesting tools that have been built into google search.

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